A relation between two secrets, known in the literature as nondeducibility, was originally introduced by Sutherland. We extend it to a relation between sets of secrets that we call...
By considering a new metric, Nikov and Nikova defined the class of error-set correcting codes. These codes differ from the errorcorrecting codes in the sense that the minimum dis...
The paper considers interdependencies between secrets in a multiparty system. Each secret is assumed to be known only to a certain fixed set of parties. These sets can be viewed as...
We study logical principles connecting two relations: independence, which is known as nondeducibility in the study of information flow, and functional dependence. Two different e...
Robert Kelvey, Sara Miner More, Pavel Naumov, Benj...
We study the two-party commitment problem, where two players have secret values they wish to commit to each other. Traditional commitment schemes cannot be used here because they d...
Moses Liskov, Anna Lysyanskaya, Silvio Micali, Leo...