Searching for small objects (e.g., logos) in images is a critical yet challenging problem. It becomes more difficult when target objects differ significantly from the query object...
1 Classical systems using hierarchical modulation (such as DVB-SH) involve a "high-priority" (HP) and a "lowpriority" (LP) bit stream that are separately and in...
The Oxford/IIIT team participated in the high-level feature extraction and interactive search tasks. A vision only approach was used for both tasks, with no use of the text or aud...
Computers have been widely deployed to our daily lives, but human-computer interaction still lacks intuition. Researchers intend to resolve these shortcomings by augmenting tradit...
Matthias Wimmer, Christoph Mayer, Sylvia Pietzsch,...
Although constructed for researchers to share news and information, Usenet quickly developed into a social environment with varied styles of interactions. Unfortunately, the brows...
Danah Boyd, Hyun-Yeul Lee, Daniel Ramage, Judith S...