Given a terabyte click log, can we build an efficient and effective click model? It is commonly believed that web search click logs are a gold mine for search business, because th...
Anitha Kannan, Chao Liu 0001, Christos Faloutsos, ...
Motion information is a powerful cue for visual perception. In the context of video indexing and retrieval, motion content serves as a useful source for compact video representati...
— Databases associated with keywords, can be public, private or hybrid, as a result the solutions to keyword search protocols for each type are different. In this paper, we study...
Background: The most renowned biological ontology, Gene Ontology (GO) is widely used for annotations of genes and gene products of different organisms. However, there are shortcom...
The probabilistic network technology is a knowledgebased technique which focuses on reasoning under uncertainty. Because of its well defined semantics and solid theoretical founda...