Grid technology offers numerous opportunities for the players involved. Despite the fact that the academic community has already exploited many of them, there is an evident relucta...
George A. Thanos, Costas Courcoubetis, George D. S...
Identifying verbally and non-verbally referred-to objects is an important aspect of human-robot interaction. Most importantly, it is essential to achieve a joint focus of attentio...
The vast majority of medical computer-based training (CBT) systems aim at problem-oriented case based training. A crucial issue in the design of CBT systems is the selection of ap...
Tangible User Interfaces are well-suited to handling threedimensional data sets by direct manipulation of real objects in space, but current interfaces can make it difficult to lo...
Leonardo Bonanni, Jason Alonso, Neil Chao, Greg Va...
Three-dimensional appearance models consisting of spatially varying reflectance functions defined on a known shape can be used in analysis-by-synthesis approaches to a number of vi...
Todd Zickler, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Sebastian Enrique,...