Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm aimed to offer users pay-per-use computing resources, while leaving the burden of managing the computing infrastructure to the cloud provid...
Thomas A. Henzinger, Anmol V. Singh, Vasu Singh, T...
The cloud model is increasingly popular as a means of creating dynamic, flexible and cost effective networkcentric application infrastructures. The model separates the applications...
Terence J. Harmer, Peter Wright, Christina Cunning...
The automatic allocation of enterprise workload to resources can be enhanced by being able to make `whatif' response time predictions, whilst different allocations are being c...
David A. Bacigalupo, Jano van Hemert, Asif Usmani,...
Cloud computing provides users near instant access to seemingly unlimited resources, and provides service providers the opportunity to deploy complex information technology infras...
Yun Mao, Changbin Liu, Jacobus E. van der Merwe, M...
A major component of many cloud services is query processing on data stored in the underlying cloud cluster. The traditional techniques for query processing on a cluster are those...
Adrian Daniel Popescu, Debabrata Dash, Verena Kant...