MonkeyBridge is a collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) game employing autonomous animated agents embodied by lifelike, animated virtual characters and “smart” physical objects...
This paper reports the results of an experiment to compare three different selection techniques in a tabletop tangible augmented reality interface. Object selection is an importan...
Julian Looser, Mark Billinghurst, Raphael Grasset,...
Can Augmented Reality (AR) techniques inform the design and implementation of a mobile multimedia guide for the museum setting? Drawing from our experience both on previous mobile...
Areti Damala, Pierre Cubaud, Anne Bationo, Pascal ...
Large sensor networks in applications such as surveillance and virtual classrooms, have to deal with the explosion of sensor information. Coherent presentation of data coming from...
Shichao Ou, Deepak R. Karuppiah, Andrew H. Fagg, E...
: The advent of computer augmented reality (CAR), in which computer generated objects mix with real video images, has resulted in many interesting new application domains. Providin...