Conventional wisdom has been that the performance limitations in the current Internet lie at the edges of the network – i.e last mile connectivity to users, or access links of s...
The ability to locate network bottlenecks along end-to-end paths on the Internet is of great interest to both network operators and researchers. For example, knowing where bottlen...
Ningning Hu, Erran L. Li, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Pet...
Abstract— The ability to measure end-to-end Available Bandwidth (AB) on a network path is useful in several domains, including overlay-routing infrastructure, network monitoring,...
Recent advances in multicasting over the Internet present new opportunities for improving communication performance in clusters of workstations. The standard IP multicast, however...
— Internet paths sharing the same bottleneck can be identified using several shared congestion detection techniques. However, all of these techniques have been designed to detec...
Min Sik Kim, Taekhyun Kim, YongJune Shin, Simon S....