We explore ideal models for a programming language with recursive polymorphic types, variants of the model studied by MacQueen, Plotkin, and Sethi. The use of suitable ideals yiel...
In previous work we have developed and prototyped a silicon compiler which translates a functional language (SAFL) into hardware. Here we present a SAFL-level program transformati...
We present Explorative Debugging as a novel debugging paradigm for rule based languages. Explorative Debugging allows truly declarative debugging of rules and is well suited to sup...
The concept of information landscapes has been a constant theme in the development of interactive multimedia packages. For the interface and access to this information to be effec...
John G. Hedberg, Barry Harper, Christine Brown, Ro...
Abstract. Searching objects within a catalog is a problem of increasing importance, as the general public has access to increasing volumes of data. Constraint programming has addre...