We propose a new method for solving structured CSPs which generalizes and improves the Cyclic-Clustering approach [4]. First, the cutset and the tree-decomposition of the constrai...
Background: Accurate identification of protein domain boundaries is useful for protein structure determination and prediction. However, predicting protein domain boundaries from a...
A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wavelet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among th...
Valero Laparra, Juan Gutierrez, Gustavo Camps-Vall...
We describe a new algorithm for proving temporal properties expressed in LTL of infinite-state programs. Our approach takes advantage of the fact that LTL properties can often be...
Motivated by sensor networks, mobility data, biology and life sciences, the area of mining uncertain data has recently received a great deal of attention. While various papers hav...
Francesco Bonchi, Matthijs van Leeuwen, Antti Ukko...