The Virtual Explorer project of the Senses Bureau at the University of California, San Diego, focuses on creating immersive, highly interactive environments for education and scie...
Kevin L. Dean, Xyler S. Asay-Davis, Evan M. Finn, ...
abstraction for modeling these problems is to view the Web as a collection of (usually small and heterogeneous) databases, and to view programs that extract and process Web data au...
This paper presents a method for analyzing the survivability of distributed network systems and an example of its application. Survivability is the capability of a system to fulfi...
Robert J. Ellison, Richard C. Linger, Thomas A. Lo...
ion suffices ("decide which type you want and provide a full set of operations for each type"). If the application domain is, say, the administration of a university, the...
We obtain a new formalism for concurrent object-oriented languages by extending Abadi and Cardelli's imperative object calculus with operators for concurrency from the -calc...