k-anonymity is a popular measure of privacy for data publishing: It measures the risk of identity-disclosure of individuals whose personal information are released in the form of ...
Bijit Hore, Ravi Chandra Jammalamadaka, Sharad Meh...
Packet traces of operational Internet traffic are invaluable to network research, but public sharing of such traces is severely limited by the need to first remove all sensitive...
Encouraging the release of network data is central to promoting sound network research practices, though the publication of this data can leak sensitive information about the publ...
Scott E. Coull, Charles V. Wright, Fabian Monrose,...
To release micro-data tables containing sensitive data, generalization algorithms are usually required for satisfying given privacy properties, such as k-anonymity and l-diversity....
Lei Zhang 0004, Lingyu Wang, Sushil Jajodia, Alexa...
With more and more social network data being released, protecting the sensitive information within social networks from leakage has become an important concern of publishers. Adve...