A Replica Location Service (RLS) allows registration and discovery of data replicas. In earlier work, we proposed an RLS framework and described the performance and scalability of...
Initial deployment and subsequent dynamic reconfiguration of a software system is difficult because of the interplay of many interdependent factors, including cost, time, applicat...
Naveed Arshad, Dennis Heimbigner, Alexander L. Wol...
Resource and service discovery, data transfer or replica management, are some examples of basic operations of a grid which can gain efficiency by using multicast transmission tech...
In a pervasive computing environment, the devices are embedded in the physical world, providing services and interconnected by a communication network. Composition of these servic...
Joanna Izabela Siebert, Jiannong Cao, Long Cheng, ...
The design and performance of next-generation chip multiprocessors (CMPs) will be bound by the limited amount of power that can be dissipated on a single die. We present photonic n...