Social networks are popular platforms for interaction, communication and collaboration between friends. Researchers have recently proposed an emerging class of applications that l...
Christo Wilson, Bryce Boe, Alessandra Sala, Krishn...
Abstract--The proliferation of wireless multihop communication infrastructures in office or residential environments depends on their ability to support a variety of emerging appli...
Yiannis Andreopoulos, Nicholas Mastronarde, Mihael...
People often seek information by asking other people even when they have access to vast reservoirs of information such as the Internet and libraries. This is because people are gr...
While the IETF standardization process of the Mobile IPv6 and Network Mobility (NEMO) protocols is almost complete, their large-scale deployment is not yet possible. With these te...
Conventional wisdom has been that the performance limitations in the current Internet lie at the edges of the network – i.e last mile connectivity to users, or access links of s...