This paper explores the role of information retrieval in answering "relationship" questions, a new class complex information needs formally introduced in TREC 2005. Sinc...
Definition questions represent a largely unexplored area of question answering--they are different from factoid questions in that the goal is to return as many relevant "nugg...
Passage retrieval is an important component common to many question answering systems. Because most evaluations of question answering systems focus on end-to-end performance, comp...
Stefanie Tellex, Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Aaron F...
The TREC Question Answering Track presented several distinct challenges to participants in 2007. Participants were asked to create a system which discovers the answers to factoid ...
The Question Answering Task requires user interaction. Users can help the system by reformulating the questions, adding information to them or selecting the documents on which the ...