Suppose one is considering purchase of a computer equipped with accelerators. Or suppose one has access to such a computer and is considering porting code to take advantage of the...
Laura Carrington, Mustafa M. Tikir, Catherine Olsc...
Three major factors govern the intricacies of community extraction in networks: (1) the application domain includes a wide variety of networks of fundamentally different natures,...
Bruno D. Abrahao, Sucheta Soundarajan, John E. Hop...
Objects linking with many other objects in an information network may imply various semantic relationships. Uncovering such knowledge is essential for role discovery, data cleanin...
Chi Wang, Jiawei Han, Qi Li, Xiang Li, Wen-Pin Lin...
Recently, multi-core architectures with alternative memory subsystem designs have emerged. Instead of using hardwaremanaged cache hierarchies, they employ software-managed embedde...
Identifying, gathering, and maintaining information on the current, planned, and target states of the architecture of an enterprise is one major challenge of enterprise architectur...
Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Christian M. Schwed...