— Trade-off curves for the exact and the relaxed QoS routing problem are presented and discussed. In addition, an efficient parametric linear programming algorithm to compute th...
In wireless networks, mobile hosts must update the network with their current location in order to get packets delivered. Paging facilitates efficient power management at the mobil...
Ramachandran Ramjee, Erran L. Li, Thomas F. La Por...
Abstract Polynomial-time data reduction is a classical approach to hard graph problems. Typically, particular small subgraphs are replaced by smaller gadgets. We generalize this ap...
Rural Internet kiosks in developing regions can cost-effectively provide communication and e-governance services to the poorest sections of society. A variety of technical and no...
Shimin Guo, Mohammad Hossein Falaki, Earl A. Olive...
We consider adaptive two-channel multiple-description coding. We provide an analytical method for designing a resolutionconstrained symmetrical multiple-description coder that use...
Janusz Klejsa, Marcin Kuropatwinski, W. Bastiaan K...