Linear and affine subspaces are commonly used to describe appearance of objects under different lighting, viewpoint, articulation, and identity. A natural problem arising from the...
This paper introduces a new algorithm, namely the EquiCorrelation Network (ECON), to perform supervised classification, and regression. ECON is a kernelized LARS-like algorithm, b...
Manuel Loth, Philippe Preux, Samuel Delepoulle, Ch...
Alice and Bob possess sequences x and y respectively and would like to compute the 1 distance, namely x - y 1 under privacy and communication constraints. The privacy constraint r...
Many structured prediction tasks involve complex models where inference is computationally intractable, but where it can be well approximated using a linear programming relaxation...
Ofer Meshi, David Sontag, Tommi Jaakkola, Amir Glo...
In many applications that track and analyze spatiotemporal data, movements obey periodic patterns; the objects follow the same routes (approximately) over regular time intervals. ...
Nikos Mamoulis, Huiping Cao, George Kollios, Mario...