Abstract. Connected dominating set (CDS) has a wide range of applications in wireless ad hoc networks. A number of approximation algorithms for constructing a small CDS in wireless...
Collaborative filtering (CF) shares information between users to provide each with recommendations. Previous work suggests using sketching techniques to handle massive data sets i...
Formal techniques have been widely applied in the design of real-time systems and have significantly helped detect design errors by checking real-time properties of the model. Ho...
The algorithms for computing a shortest path on a polyhedral surface are slow, complicated, and numerically unstable. We have developed and implemented a robust and efficient algo...
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Sariel Har-Peled, Meetesh Karia
Abstract. We present a randomized approximation algorithm for counting contingency tables, m × n non-negative integer matrices with given row sums R = (r1, . . . , rm) and column ...
Alexander I. Barvinok, Zur Luria, Alex Samorodnits...