A core-based group-shared multicast tree is a shortest path tree rooted at core node that distributes packets to and from all group members. Traditionally, the bandwidth cost cons...
We explore the average-case “Vickrey” cost of structures in a random setting: the Vickrey cost of a shortest path in a complete graph or digraph with random edge weights; the V...
We consider the problem of identifying a team of skilled individuals for collaboration, in the presence of a social network. Each node in the input social network may be an expert...
A connected dominating set (CDS) for a graph G(V, E) is a subset V of V , such that each node in V - V is adjacent to some node in V , and V induces a connected subgraph. A CDS ha...
The problem of routing of sensor observations for optimal detection of a Markov random field (MRF) at a designated fusion center is analyzed. Assuming that the correlation structur...