The large gap in the levels at which requirements are specified results in inadequate means for ensuring that business goals are properly supported. Architecture-level requirement...
In hard real-time systems such as avionics, computer board level designs are typically customized to meet specific reliability and real time requirements. This paper focuses on co...
Min-Young Nam, Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Lui Sha, Richar...
Recent evidences indicate that most faults in software systems are found in only a few of a system's components [1]. The early identification of these components allows an or...
T. Wang, Ahmed E. Hassan, Ajith Guedem, Walid Abde...
Goal-oriented methods are increasingly popular for elaborating software requirements. They offer systematic support for incrementally building intentional, structural, and operati...
Emmanuel Letier, Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Sebasti&...
One very important application in the data mining domain is frequent pattern mining. Various authors have worked on improving the efficiency of this computation, mostly focusing o...