Determining node and event locations is a canonical task for many wireless network applications. Yet dedicated infrastructure for determining position information is expensive, en...
When you write papers, how many times do you want to make some citations at a place but you are not sure which papers to cite? Do you wish to have a recommendation system which ca...
Qi He, Jian Pei, Daniel Kifer, Prasenjit Mitra, C....
—Methods for learning decision rules are being successfully applied to many problem domains, especially where understanding and interpretation of the learned model is necessary. ...
— We consider the situation where users rank items from a given set, and each user ranks only a (small) subset of all items. We assume that users can be classified into C classe...
Voting is a general method for aggregating the preferences of multiple agents. Each agent ranks all the possible alternatives, and based on this, an aggregate ranking of the alter...