We study the problem of learning a group of principal tasks using a group of auxiliary tasks, unrelated to the principal ones. In many applications, joint learning of unrelated ta...
Bernardino Romera-Paredes, Andreas Argyriou, Nadia...
Consider a scientist who wants to explore multiple data sets to select the relevant ones for further analysis. Since the visualization real estate may put a stringent constraint o...
In the software industry, designers are forever trying to “improve” their products by adding ever more features to them, producing bloated software systems that are capable of...
We present an approach to building libraries of tasks in complex action languages such as Golog, for query answering. Our formalization is based on a situation calculus framework t...
We present a novel method for fast retrieval of exact Minkowski sums of pairs of convex polytopes in R3 , where one of the polytopes keeps rotating. The algorithm is based on pre-...