Continuing a line of work by Abramsky (1994), by Bellin and Scott (1994), and by Caires and Pfenning (2010), among others, this paper presents CP, a calculus in which propositions...
Verifiable random functions (VRFs), introduced by Micali, Rabin and Vadhan, are pseudorandom functions in which the owner of the seed produces a public-key that constitutes a commi...
Zvika Brakerski, Shafi Goldwasser, Guy N. Rothblum...
Efficient zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are basic building blocks of many cryptographic applications such as identification schemes, group signatures, and secure mult...
Endre Bangerter, Thomas Briner, Wilko Henecka, Ste...
Zero knowledge sets (ZKS) [18] allow a party to commit to a secret set S and then to, non interactively, produce proofs for statements such as x ∈ S or x /∈ S. As recognized in...
We reduce JavaScript to a core calculus structured as a small-step operational semantics. We present several peculiarities of the language and show that our calculus models them. W...