The electronics design industry is facing major challenges as transistors continue to decrease in size. The next generation of devices will be so small that the position of indivi...
Liangxiu Han, Asen Asenov, Dave Berry, Campbell Mi...
Large distributed Grid systems pose new challenges in job scheduling due to complex workload characteristics and system characteristics. Due to the numerous parameters that must b...
Scheduling divisible workloads in distributed systems has been one of the interesting research problems over the last few years. Most of the scheduling algorithms previously intro...
Nguyen The Loc, Said Elnaffar, Takuya Katayama, Tu...
Middleware helps to manage the complexity and heterogeneity inherent in distributed systems. Traditional middleware has a monolithic architecture, which makes it difficult to adap...
This paper introduces an object-passing model for parallel and distributed application development. Object passing provides the object-oriented application developer with powerful...