Computer animation is one of the key components of a multimedia document or presentation. Shape transformation between objects of different topology and positions is an open model...
Galina Pasko, Alexander A. Pasko, M. Ikeda, Tosiya...
This paper presents a method for recovering 3D facial shape from single image via learning the relationship between the 2D intensity images and the 3D facial shapes. With a couple...
Annan Li, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Xiujuan Chai,...
Transformation of image patches is a common requirement for 2D transition animations such as shape interpolation and image morphing. It is usually done by applying affine transfor...
In this paper, we present a technique we call "cartoon capture and retargeting" which we use to track the motion from traditionally animated cartoons and retarget it ont...
Christoph Bregler, Lorie Loeb, Erika Chuang, Hrish...