As efforts to develop grid computing solutions gather pace, considerable attention has been directed at defining and addressing technical requirements associated with computationa...
Ernest Sithole, Gerard P. Parr, Sally I. McClean, ...
There are a variety of well-known models for access control developed for purposes like formally modeling the access rights on files, databases, and web resources. However, the ex...
Carl A. Gunter, Michael J. May, Stuart G. Stubbleb...
An important problem that confronts data grid applications is to efficiently locate the node that stores a particular data replica. This paper proposes a Hierarchical Replica Loca...
Sender anonymity in location-based services (LBS) attempts to hide the identity of a mobile device user who sends requests to the LBS provider for services in her proximity (e.g. &...
Alin Deutsch, Richard Hull, Avinash Vyas, Kevin Ke...
Advances in Internet and network technology and the rapidly growing number of mobile personal devices result in the fast growth of Mobile E-Commerce, M-Commerce. In this paper we v...
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Jari Veijalainen, Jouni Mar...