Abstract. Isabelle/HOL is a popular interactive theorem prover based on higherorder logic. It owes its success to its ease of use and powerful automation. Much of the automation is...
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Lukas Bulwahn, Tobias...
We present a formalization of a constructive proof of weak normalization for the simply-typed λ-calculus in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL, and show how a program can be extracte...
Abstract. Coalgebra has in recent years been recognized as the framework of choice for the treatment of reactive systems at an appropriate level of generality. Proofs about the rea...
We develop a formalization of the Size-Change Principle in Isabelle/HOL and use it to construct formally certified termination proofs for recursive functions automatically.
We verified two versions of the CPS transformation in Isabelle/HOL: one by Plotkin by Danvy and Filinski. We adopted first order abstract syntax so that the formalization is close...