In test generation based on model-checking, white-box test criteria are represented as trap conditions written in a temporal logic. A model checker is used to refute trap conditio...
Dimensional reduction is a simplification technique that eliminates one or more dimensions from a boundary value problem. It results in significant computational savings with mini...
: In a component-based development process the selection of components is an activity that takes place over multiple lifecycle phases that span from requirement specifications thro...
We have devised a novel technique to automatically generate test cases for a software system, combining black-box model-based testing with white-box parameterized unit testing. Th...
Nicolas Kicillof, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Nikolai Till...
Wereporthere ona studyof interannotatoragreementin the coreferencetask as defined by the MessageUnderstanding Conference(MUC-6and MUC-7).Basedon feedback from annotators, weclarif...
Lynette Hirschman, Patricia Robinson, John D. Burg...