We present a new algorithm for automatically solving jigsaw puzzles byshapealone.Thealgorithm cansolvemore difficult puzzlesthan couldbesolved before, without the use of backtracki...
David Goldberg, Christopher Malon, Marshall W. Ber...
The coincidence between the model-theoretic and the procedural semantics of SLDresolution does not carry over to a Prolog system that also implements non-logical features like cut...
The design of the Icon programming language's expression evaluation system, which can perform limited backtracking, was unique amongst imperative programming languages when c...
In this paper we outline QuBE7's main features, describing first the options of the preprocessors, and then giving some details about how the core search-based solver (i) per...
Enrico Giunchiglia, Paolo Marin, Massimo Narizzano
Disjunctive Logic Programming (DLP) under the consistent answer set semantics is an advanced formalism for knowledge representation and reasoning. It is, under widely believed assu...