Planning in single-agent models like MDPs and POMDPs can be carried out by resorting to Q-value functions: a (near-) optimal Q-value function is computed in a recursive manner by ...
State estimation consists of updating an agent’s belief given executed actions and observed evidence to date. In single agent environments, the state estimation can be formalize...
Selection of Commercial-off-The-Shelf (COTS) software products is a knowledge-intensive process. In this paper, we show how knowledge bases can be used to facilitate the COTS selec...
Auctions define games of incomplete information for which it is often too hard to compute the exact Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Instead, the infinite strategy space is often popu...
Abstract. We introduce take-it-or-leave-it auctions (TLAs) as an allocation mechanism that allows buyers to retain much of their private valuation information, yet generates close-...