Many service providers distribute various kinds of content over the Internet. They often use replica servers to provide stable service. To position them appropriately, service pro...
In order to search within corpora written in two or more languages, the simplest and most effective approach is to translate the submitted request into the required language(s). To...
The normal practice of selecting relevant documents for training routing queries is to either use all relevants or the 'best n' of them after a (retrieval) ranking opera...
There exists a large and growing number of proposed estimation methods but little conclusive evidence ranking one method over another. Prior effort estimation studies suffered fro...
Tim Menzies, Omid Jalali, Jairus Hihn, Daniel Bake...
The method of wavelet thresholding for removing noise, or denoising, has been researched extensively due to its effectiveness and simplicity. Much of the literature has focused on ...