In-memory tree structured index search is a fundamental database operation. Modern processors provide tremendous computing power by integrating multiple cores, each with wide vect...
Changkyu Kim, Jatin Chhugani, Nadathur Satish, Eri...
We present an adaptive load shedding approach for windowed stream joins. In contrast to the conventional approach of dropping tuples from the input streams, we explore the concept ...
Abstract. We give linear-time algorithms for re-ordering and heightrestricting a binary search tree with only a small increase in cost, constructing a nearly optimal binary search ...
We consider probabilistic inference in general hybrid networks, which include continuous and discrete variables in an arbitrary topology. We reexamine the question of variable dis...
Spatial joins are fundamental in spatial databases. Over the last decade, the primary focus of research has been on joins with the predicate “region intersection.” In modern da...