Reinforcement Learning methods for controlling stochastic processes typically assume a small and discrete action space. While continuous action spaces are quite common in real-wor...
We target the problem of closed-loop learning of control policies that map visual percepts to continuous actions. Our algorithm, called Reinforcement Learning of Joint Classes (RLJ...
Learning in real-world domains often requires to deal with continuous state and action spaces. Although many solutions have been proposed to apply Reinforcement Learning algorithm...
Alessandro Lazaric, Marcello Restelli, Andrea Bona...
We propose a new approach for reinforcement learning in problems with continuous actions. Actions are sampled by means of a diffusion tree, which generates samples in the continuou...
Christian Vollmer, Erik Schaffernicht, Horst-Micha...
Wilson introduced XCSF as a successor to XCS. The major development of XCSF is the concept of a computed prediction. The efficiency of XCSF in dealing with numerical input and con...