The coordination of emergency responders and robots to undertake a number of tasks in disaster scenarios is a grand challenge for multi-agent systems. Central to this endeavour is...
Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Maria Polukarov, Alessandro...
We study the problem of estimating the average of a Lipschitz continuous function f defined over a metric space, by querying f at only a single point. More specifically, we explore...
We revisit the device-driver architecture supported by the majority of operating systems, where a driver is a passive object that does not have its own thread of control and is on...
Let h > w > 0 be two fixed integers. Let H be a random hypergraph whose hyperedges are uniformly of size h. To w-orient a hyperedge, we assign exactly w of its vertices posi...
We consider markets in the classical Arrow-Debreu model. There are n agents and m goods. Each buyer has a concave utility function (of the bundle of goods he/she buys) and an init...