Abstract. X-ray microCT (computed tomography) has become a valuable tool in the analysis of vascular architecture in small animals. Because of its high resolution, a detailed asses...
Marcel Jackowski, Xenophon Papademetris, Lawrence ...
In this note, we segment and topologically classify brain vessel data obtained from magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). The segmentation is done adaptively and the classificatio...
Konstantin Mischaikow, Pawel Pilarczyk, William D....
Myocardial functions can be characterized from ventricular pressure-volume relations. In small animals, the instantaneous ventricular volume is typically measured by using a minia...
Quantitative analysis of cardiac motion is of great clinical interest in assessing ventricular function. Real-time 3-D (RT3D) ultrasound transducers provide valuable fourdimension...
Qi Duan, Elsa D. Angelini, Shunichi Homma, Andrew ...
Identification and characterization of indications in eddy current (ET) signals can be highly subjective in nature, with varying diagnoses made by different analysts or by a singl...
Arthur J. Levy, Jane E. Oppenlander, David M. Brud...