We propose an approach to activity recognition based on detecting and analyzing the sequence of objects that are being manipulated by the user. In domains such as cooking, where m...
In recent years, many algorithms for the Web have been developed that work with information units distinct from individual web pages. These include segments of web pages or aggreg...
Object detection can be challenging when the object class exhibits large variations. One commonly-used strategy is to first partition the space of possible object variations and t...
Quan Yuan, Ashwin Thangali, Vitaly Ablavsky, Stan ...
Biomedical named entity recognition (NER) is a difficult problem in biomedical information processing due to the widespread ambiguity of terms out of context and extensive lexical ...
Seonho Kim, Juntae Yoon, Kyung-Mi Park, Hae-Chang ...
— In connectionist learning, one relevant problem is “catastrophic forgetting” that may occur when a network, trained with a large set of patterns, has to learn new input pat...
Dario Albesano, Roberto Gemello, Pietro Laface, Fr...