re connector is an abstraction capturing interactions among components. Apart from middleware independence, connectors provide additional services (e.g., adaptation, synchronizati...
Ant colony optimisation is a constructive metaheuristic that successively builds solutions from problem-specific components. A parameterised model known as pheromone--an analogue o...
This paper proposes a Domotic OSGi Gateway (DOG) able to expose different domotic networks as a single, technology neutral, home automation system. The adoption of a standard frame...
Physical Unclonable Functions promise cheap, efficient, and secure identification and authentication of devices. In FPGA devices, PUFs may be instantiated directly from FPGA fabri...
With the advent of the Web, search has become the prominent paradigm for information seeking, not only across the online space but also within enterprises. Search engine functiona...
Alessandro Bozzon, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraterna...