Currently, state of the art virtual agents lack the ability to display emotion as seen in actual humans, or even in hand-animated characters. One reason for the emotional inexpres...
In recent years more and more security sensitive applications use passive smart devices such as contactless smart cards and RFID tags. Cost constraints imply a small hardware footp...
Carsten Rolfes, Axel Poschmann, Gregor Leander, Ch...
We extend the Camenisch-Lysyanskaya anonymous credential system such that selective disclosure of attributes becomes highly efficient. The resulting system significantly improves ...
In wireless systems, neighbor discovery (ND) is a fundamental building block: determining which devices are within direct radio communication is an enabler for networking protocol...
Marcin Poturalski, Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Jean...
The leading web search engines have spent a decade building highly specialized ranking functions for English web pages. One of the reasons these ranking functions are effective is...