As the amount of personal information stored at remote service providers increases, so does the danger of data theft. When connections to remote services are made in the clear and ...
Claude Castelluccia, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Danie...
Distributed storage systems provide data availability by means of redundancy. To assure a given level of availability in case of node failures, new redundant fragments need to be ...
Alessandro Duminuco, Ernst Biersack, Taoufik En-Na...
The graph classification problem is learning to classify separate, individual graphs in a graph database into two or more categories. A number of algorithms have been introduced fo...
Nikhil S. Ketkar, Lawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Coo...
Social tagging systems have become increasingly popular for sharing and organizing web resources. Tag recommendation is a common feature of social tagging systems. Social tagging ...
Dawei Yin, Zhenzhen Xue, Liangjie Hong, Brian D. D...
Air traffic management offers an intriguing real world challenge to designing large scale distributed systems using evolutionary computation. The ability to evolve effective air t...