The problem of spam is a classic “tragedy of the commons” [10]. We propose the Zmail protocol as a way to preserve email as a “free” common resource for most users, while ...
Benjamin Kuipers, Alex X. Liu, Aashin Gautam, Moha...
Clustering layouts of software systems combine two important aspects: they reveal groups of related artifacts of the software system, and they produce a visualization of the resul...
— In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), sensor location plays a critical role in many applications. Having a GPS receiver on every sensor node is costly. In the past, a number of l...
— The recent trend of rapid increase in routing table sizes at routers comprising the Internet’s core is posing a serious challenge to the current Internet’s scalability, ava...
— Given two versions of a file, a current version located on one machine and an outdated version known only to another machine, the remote file synchronization problem is how t...