Reminder systems support people with impaired prospective memory and/or executive function, by providing them with reminders of their functional daily activities. We integrate tem...
Matthew R. Rudary, Satinder P. Singh, Martha E. Po...
This paper examines the notion of symmetry in Markov decision processes (MDPs). We define symmetry for an MDP and show how it can be exploited for more effective learning in singl...
In Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA), we carry out Fisher linear discriminant analysis in a high dimensional feature space defined implicitly by a kernel. The performance...
Seung-Jean Kim, Alessandro Magnani, Stephen P. Boy...
Recently, a successful extension of Principal Component Analysis for structured input, such as sequences, trees, and graphs, has been proposed. This allows the embedding of discret...
Matching Pursuit algorithms learn a function that is a weighted sum of basis functions, by sequentially appending functions to an initially empty basis, to approximate a target fu...