Majority of practical multivariate statistical analyses and optimizations model interdependence among random variables in terms of the linear correlation among them. Though linear...
Due to the large contribution of the memory subsystem to total system power, the memory subsystem is highly amenable to customization for reduced power/energy and/or improved perf...
Pablo Viana, Ann Gordon-Ross, Edna Barros, Frank V...
— Caches, block memories, predictors, state tables, and other forms of on-chip memory are continuing to consume a greater portion of processor designs with each passing year. Mak...
Abstract. This paper evaluates strategies to combine multiple segmentations of the same image, generated for example by different segmentation methods or by different human experts...
Torsten Rohlfing, Daniel B. Russakoff, Calvin R. M...
We present a fast and accurate algorithm for computing the 2D pose of objects in images called cascaded pose regression (CPR). CPR progressively refines a loosely specified initia...