We present a P2P filesharing system that allows redundant storage of shared files in a way that no participating server ever stores data that could compromise its operator. Inst...
Peer-to-peer file-sharing networks are currently receiving much attention as a means of sharing and distributing information. However, as recent experience shows, the anonymous, o...
Sepandar D. Kamvar, Mario T. Schlosser, Hector Gar...
Most current P2P file sharing systems treat their users as anonymous, unrelated entities, and completely disregard any social relationships between them. However, social phenomena...
Johan A. Pouwelse, Pawel Garbacki, Jun Wang, Arno ...
OneSwarm is a system for anonymous p2p file sharing in use by thousands of peers. It aims to provide Onion Routing-like privacy and BitTorrent-like performance. We demonstrate se...
Swagatika Prusty, Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberato...