Despite the ubiquity of slide presentations, managing multiple presentations remains a challenge. Understanding how multiple versions of a presentation are related to one another,...
Steven M. Drucker, Georg Petschnigg, Maneesh Agraw...
Volumetric displays, which display imagery in true 3D space, are a promising platform for the display and manipulation of 3D data. To fully leverage their capabilities, appropriat...
NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems are common in real life. Due to their intractability, local search algorithms are often used to solve such problems. Since these algori...
Existing augmentations of web pages are mostly small cosmetic changes (e.g., removing ads) and minor addition of third-party content (e.g., product prices from competing sites). N...
Modern brain sensing technologies provide a variety of methods for detecting specific forms of brain activity. In this paper, we present an initial step in exploring how these tec...