Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases include a suite of features -- disk-resident B-trees and heap files, locking-based concurrency control, support for multi-threading ...
Stavros Harizopoulos, Daniel J. Abadi, Samuel Madd...
Concurrency control is one of the main sources of error and complexity in shared memory parallel programming. While there are several techniques to handle concurrency control such...
Luis Ceze, Christoph von Praun, Calin Cascaval, Pa...
We present some architectural and technological insights on SAP’s HANA database and derive research challenges for future enterprise application development. The HANA database m...
Joos-Hendrik Boese, Cafer Tosun, Christian Mathis,...
We investigate models for uplink interference in wireless systems. Our models account for the effects of outage probabilities. Such an accounting requires a nonlinear, even nonco...
Kenneth L. Clarkson, K. Georg Hampel, John D. Hobb...
Similarity search methods are widely used as kernels in various data mining and machine learning applications including those in computational biology, web search/clustering. Near...