OntoSearch, a full-text search engine that exploits ontological knowledge for document retrieval, is presented in this paper. Different from other ontology based search engines, O...
In the intellectual property field two tasks are of high relevance: prior art searching and patent classification. Prior art search is fundamental for many strategic issues such as...
Douglas Teodoro, Julien Gobeill, Emilie Pasche, Di...
Dynamic Miss-Countingalgorithms are proposed, which find all implication and similarity rules with confidence pruning but without support pruning. To handle data sets with a large...
Shinji Fujiwara, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Rajeev Motwani
Relevance profiling is a general process for withindocument retrieval. Given a query, a profile of retrieval status values is computed by sliding a fixed sized window across a doc...
New types of document collections are being developed by various web services. The service providers keep track of non-textual features such as click counts. In this paper, we pre...
Jiwoon Jeon, W. Bruce Croft, Joon Ho Lee, Soyeon P...