At Financial Crypto 2006, Golle presented a novel framework for the privacy preserving computation of a stable matching (stable marriage). We show that the communication complexity...
Matthew K. Franklin, Mark Gondree, Payman Mohassel
We develop a new algorithm to segment the hippocampus from MR images. Our method uses a new classifier ensemble algorithm to correct segmentation errors produced by a multi-atlas...
Hongzhi Wang, Jung Wook Suh, Sandhitsu R. Das, Mur...
The stable marriage problem is a classical matching problem introduced by Gale and Shapley. It is known that for any instance, there exists a solution, and there is a polynomial ti...
Abstract It has been proven that districted matching schemes (e.g., the US presidential election scheme, also called the Electoral College) are more stable than undistricted matchi...
We consider the loss in social welfare caused by individual rationality in matching scenarios. We give both theoretical and experimental results comparing stable matchings with soc...