We propose a novel Active Volume Model (AVM) which deforms in a free-form manner to minimize energy. Unlike Snakes and level-set active contours which only consider curves or surfa...
Recognition of object categories from their images is extremely challenging due to the large intra-class variations, and variations in pose, illumination and scale, in addition to...
This paper describes a new approach for detecting objects based on measuring the spatial consistency between different parts of an object. These parts are pre-defined on a set of...
Recognition of specular objects is particularly difficult because their appearance is much more sensitive to lighting changes than that of Lambertian objects. We consider an appr...
Building of atlases representing average and variability of a population of images or of segmented objects is a key topic in application areas like brain mapping, deformable objec...
Shun Xu, Martin Andreas Styner, Brad Davis, Sarang...