—This paper considers distributed protocol design for joint sub-carrier, transmission scheduling and power management in uplink/downlink multi-cellular OFDMA wireless networks. T...
A central task in the context of logic-based decentralized authorization languages is that of gathering credentials from credential providers, required by the resource guard’s p...
Emerging large scale utility computing systems like Grids promise computing and storage to be provided to end users as a utility. System management services deployed in the middle...
– In this paper, we first describe the concept of data overlay, which is a mechanism to implement arbitrary data structure on top of any structured P2P DHT. With this ion, we dev...
Abstract. A metacomputing environment is a collection of geographically distributed resources (people, computers, devices, databases) connected by one or more high-speed networks, ...
Adam Ferrari, Frederick Knabe, Marty Humphrey, Ste...