Abstract. We study the computational complexity of deciding the existence of a Hamiltonian Cycle in some dense classes of k-uniform hypergraphs. Those problems turned out to be, al...
Marek Karpinski, Andrzej Rucinski, Edyta Szymanska
For an r-graph H, let C(H) = minS d(S), where the minimum is taken over all (r − 1)-sets of vertices of H, and d(S) is the number of vertices v such that S ∪ {v} is an edge of...
Every 3-graph in which no four vertices are independent and no four vertices span precisely three edges must have edge density 4/9(1 - o(1)). This bound is tight. The proof is a r...
Haviland and Thomason and Chung and Graham were the first to investigate systematically some properties of quasi-random hypergraphs. In particular, in a series of articles, Chung a...